【同义词辨析】 2017-08-30 憎恨hate-loathe
hate: implies an emotional aversion often coupled with enmity or malice: ~d his former friend with a passion. averse厌恶,指躲避排斥自己不喜欢不欢迎的implies a turning away from what is distasteful or unwelcome,如seems averse to anything requiring work厌恶任何工作
detest: suggests violent antipathy or dislike, but without active hostility or malevolence: I ~ moral cowards. hate,detest都表示厌恶反感,hate仇恨表示"有"enmity,malice,而detest厌恶"没有"hostility,malevolence,凑巧的是enmity,malice分别是2018-02-27 敌意enmity-animus和2018-06-04 恶意malice-grudge两组的第一个单词,hostility,malevolence是两组第二个单词
abhor: implies a deep, often shuddering repugnace from or as if from fear or horror: child abuse is a crime ~red by all.
abominate: suggests strong detestation and often moral condemnation: virtually every society ~s incest.
loathe: implies utter disgust and intolerance: ~d self-appointed moral guardians. 自封的卫道士
hate仇恨、恨: 强烈反感伴有敌意,detest厌恶: 反感但无敌意,abhor憎恶: 由于恐惧害怕而憎恶,abominate憎恶: 增加了道德谴责,loathe憎恶: 恶心难容忍
记忆方法: 1)首字母LHADA联想为A Horrible LAD可怕的家伙<==憎恨 小伙子年轻人少年男孩伙计a lad is a young man or boy 根据程度区分,hate最重,有敌意恶意,detest厌恶最轻,其他各有侧重,abhor由于恐惧而憎恶,abominate憎恶并谴责,loathe憎恶恶心到难以容忍
2)憎恨的意思是强烈地反感不喜欢mean to feel strong aversion or intense dislike for.